The name « Ampère » lives and exists today throughout the world. The ampere (A) was confirmed by the 26th General Conference on Weights and Measures held in Versailles in November 2018 as one of the seven basic units of the international system of units.
But who knows today André-Marie Ampère, a scientist at the origin of the discoveries which marked the history of science and electricity and whose scientific work is inseparable from the progress we enjoy in industry and daily life of each household?
The SEE has been the custodian of an exceptional cultural and scientific heritage since 1928 when it became the owner of the Ampère family home in Poleymieux-au-Mont-d’Or where it maintains the memory of the scientist with the Society of Friends of André-Marie Ampère (SAAMA).
It seemed legitimate to honor Ampère in 2020 for the 200th anniversary of the birth of Electrodynamics.
In doing so, the SEE and its partners produced many resources to help understand Andre-Marie Ampere and its works.
Please find hereafter some of them:
+ A 24pages Document on Ampère 200 ans (NEW)
+ A comic book for the youngest of us
+ NEW – Ampere’s realisation 2020-2023
+ A comic book for the youngest of us
+ André-Marie Ampère and the two hundred years of electrodynamics – written by CIGRE
+ VIDEO – Replay of E-CIGRE 2020’s Webinar : Ampère, from the great scientist to the quantic unit
+ VIDEO – Replay of E-CIGRE 2021’webinar : Presentation of Ampère’s life by Philippe Ponchon
+ VIDEO below : 1820, André-Marie Ampère discovers electrodynamics
+ and « Muse Ampère – Teaser 2020 (english) » below